Coding Training

Coding training is among the most critical skills of our age and offers students a pioneering educational approach in coding and robotics. With specially designed Coding and Lego Robotics programs, students go beyond merely using technology, for they actively engage in its creation process. These trainings enable students to develop critical skills such as problem solving, analytical thinking, and creativity, so they establish a solid foundation for future engineers and scientists. Robotic Coding and Private Seven Valley Schools Coding-Lego Robotics courses give students the power to produce innovative solutions to real-world problems. Thanks to these trainings, Yedi Valley students, in addition to learning the language of technology, also learn to have a global perspective and interact with different cultures. “Coding-What is Lego Robotics?” The answer they will find in Seven Valleys is a comprehensive educational experience that prepares students for the world of both today and tomorrow. This rich education program offered by Yedi Vadi Schools makes students ready for the future by helping them understand technology and use it creatively.